Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Small problems fixed

Ok, I had a little bit of time today, so I fixed:
* "Orboros" is the correct spelling. It is spelled wrong numerous times in the Circle area...
* collection: preatorian with circle, Kaya&laris; 2 models, kromac 2 models
* Some typos in the Troolbloods list: Stone Scribe Chronicler, Runeshapers
* Commodore only with Shae
* Just noticed "Thagrosh" and "Saeryn" are also typoed.
* I noticed a few things not working right. You cannot select Legion in the collection editor, "Lylyth" should be spelled with all "y"s, and their artillery is the "Scather Crew".
* Saxon Orrik should not be legal for Legion lists. He works for almost everyone, but not Legion.
* Just noticed that Orrik is also appearing in Cygnar and Highborn. He works for all factions except Cygnar, Legion, and Retribution. He can only be played in Four Star mercenary contract armies.

Some of the bigger stuff has to wait, sorry. This is stuff like tier problems, lesser warbeasts not from beast points, etc.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I have been busy last week

But sadly not with forward kommander, RL played up and I did some fun stuff. Tomorrow or the day after I hope to fix some of the worst glitches and the week after some of the bigger stuff. When all the list stuff is done I hope to get some work done on the copy-paste function. I am really missing this option, since I am an user of my own application for the first time, when the hordes fieldtest got released.

Just to let you all know.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Hordes Fieldtest online!

Here it is! Enjoy!
If you find any problems, please let me know.

Up for the next release, mostly small fixes:
* only epic magnus with skorne
* A&H; are not two models in the list
* Amps in names and stuff break XML
* Saving and the open load screen
* Sorting of similar stuff and changing does change the sort order
* Vyros, free UA does not count toward FA, but it does, same goes for the UA of kaelyssa
* Commodore only with Shae
* Only one Duel format remains, the smallest one.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

New mercs in the builder!

I just added the Basher and Blythe & Bull, I hope I did add them to the right factions. Enjoy!
I also fixed a little problem with the winterguard, thanks to Norbert who noticed.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Loading lists was broken.

With the last upgrade, I broke the loading of lists. Thanks to devon_v who noticed, I fixed it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Delete option live!

For all of you guys who want to delete your army lists, this feature is now live! I will fix the army list problems later today.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

I am a nice gentleman!

The guys of the Iron Agenda podcast ( were cool enough to mention Forward Kommander in their podcast and even to say I am a nice gentleman. It has been my favorite show since episode one, it's a nice combination of in depth tactical advice, model review and a bit of lightweight humor. So if you don't already listen to it, give it a try.