Monday, July 19, 2010

Little update, quick fixes for the last release

Green highling for models in tiers
+1 FA for all Farrow stuff (thanks to relasine)
Magnus tier 2 can have all steelhead stuff (thanks to LaBambaMan)


  1. The tier highlighting is very nice when you're trying to build a tier list but a huge distraction otherwise. Can I suggest you either make it optional or disable the highlighting when you take a non-tier unit?

  2. Hi!

    Magnus the Traitor - Tier 2.
    It does not consider Steelhead Riflemans, instead in the tooltip Steelhead Cavalry is listed twice :)

  3. We noticed during a game last night that Khador Uhlans have 8 health. They should only have 5.

  4. Warwitch Deneghra's T3 bonus is a free bonejack (from a list) for having 4+ non-unique bonejacks in her battlegroup. For whatever reason, it's always making the (alphabetically) first bonejack on the list the freebie, instead of making the most expensive the freebie.

    (E.g., if I take 3 Deathrippers and a Defiler, I would take the Defiler (5 points) for free over the Deathripper (4 points).)

  5. Hi, and thank you for this.

    For the Cygnar:
    * The Hammersmith have no range attack and is not in the tier of Haley.
    * Thorn is a light warjack and do not count for tier 4 for Haley
    * Always for tier, a warjack take by a journeyman is not jackmarshal. There is a problem when the tier needs a jackmarshal.

  6. Warwitch Deneghra's T2 isn't counting Warwitch Sirens as solos for the four solos requirement.

  7. Hi I notice that there is an error in both Feora, Priestess of the Flame and Feora, Protector of the Flame Tier 2 is ment to be "inclued 2 or more Temple Flameguard units" you have it as "inclued Temple Flameguard, Flameguard Cleanser and Daughters of the Flame units"

  8. On Ashlynn's tier the free Arcane UA is outside of FA restrictions so it should be possible to have 1 for each Gun mage unit.

  9. Captain Allister Caine T2 requires two Arcane Tempest Gun Mage units to get the tier bonus. It's currently triggering the tier and bonus with just one.

  10. taking macbain under highborn causes duplicates of macbain and jacks to appear

  11. Viktor Pendrake is a Cygnar Ally model and should be available to Highborn Covenant armies.

  12. Some of Karchev the Terrible's (Khador) damage boxes (the "B" for "Body" boxes) do not display properly to print. I see "broken image" links in every print medium/machine that I've tried.

    Otherwise, great resource!

  13. Thanks for all your hard work. As an FYI, pNemo's tier list is set up way too broad. He shouldn't be able to take either Precursors or Sword Knights and still get the tier bonus.

  14. For Ashlynn's tier list, the Vanguards need to be part of her battlegroup to qualify for T3. Currently the program lets them be anywhere in the list and it still shows you gaining AD for her battlegroup.

  15. Also for Ashlynn, T1 allows non-Character Arcane Tempest Gun Mage units and GMCA solos.

    However, program won't allow more than 1 of each, so impossible to hit Tier 4 with her.

  16. gaarew, You have to select ashlynns tier list for this to work, since with mercs its tier or contract and thus wont work with highborn covnant. It works as intended in the tier list.

  17. In fact thats a good point, tiers for merc casters shouldn't show in contracts.

  18. Widowmakers are not in Prime Irusk's Theme List

  19. Any news when we'll start getting the Hordes mk2 contents and tiers in the builder?

  20. For Cygnar, Darius' Tier 2 free Sword Knight UA doesn't count towards FA - you've got it so you can only have one, where if you reach Tier 2 you should be allowed 2.

  21. PDeneghra tier 2 needs to allow Warwitch sirens as a one of the 4 solos required. Teir 3 should allow a 5th bonejack free rather than making one of the existing 4 bonejacks free.
    As always great work and awesome site. Can't wait till you get the new Skorne book added!

  22. Please, Add Dominar Rashet !!!

